In some ways, it seems that the tornadoes here never happened and, in others, like it was just yesterday. In reality, it has been 2 weeks.
We finally received word that our insurance adjustor will be at our home on June 4th, and will be prepared to cut us a check that day. More than likely, our deductible alone will cover repairs to the fence. That means that the check they give us should pay for the roof repairs, in full. Of course, we'll have to find a roofer who has time in his schedule. That ought to be an interesting search.
Tomorrow, we also have an overhead door company coming out to look at our garage door. It won't open or close. After the storms, we had to disengage the automatic opener in order to open the door manually. Sometime during all the opening & closing of the door over that long weekend, the tension coil broke. Hopefully, it won't be an expensive repair.
This past Friday morning, we received a visit from a highly-recommended septic service company. Finally, someone who actually knows what they're talking about! The first service we called really scammed up, and I'm still wanting to go about demanding a refund.
This wonderful second service did a full inspection of our system and did let us know that our septic pump and one of our sensors were both no longer working. Happily, the owner had a sensor in his truck that he gave to use, free of charge. He also replaced the pump, but that wasn't free. Several hours and $300 later, our septic system is back in full running order.
Also, we're still waiting on word of a compressor for our van's A/C system. We had some work done on it the weekend of the tornadoes, but it became apparent that the compressor had been damaged when the coolant overheated. Our mechanic is just waiting on the right compressor to come in and then we'll finally have a working A/C again.
I'm in prayer that once all of this over, we'll have a month or two relatively free of large expenses. We really want our focus to be on paying off the van early.
Okay, enough serious talk! LOL I think I'm going to go clean up my "stash area" in my bedroom, just so that I can play with stitchy stuff...hehe...
3 hours ago
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