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Balance forward from September: $54.49
September Budget: $25.00
Spent: $11.77
Earned: $0
Balance Remaining: $67.72
I was very good this month. I SOLD a handful of charts through a Facebook group called Stash Unload and only purchased 2 items. Proceeds from my sold items are being put into savings for a floor stand, most likely the Needlework System 4 Travel-Mate & Q-Snap Adapter.
The chart I purchased is Blue Ribbon Designs - An Expression of Gratitude. I've loved this chart for a long time and am thrilled to finally own it. Autumn and Thanksgiving are my favorite season and holiday, respectively.
In addition to this one chart, I also purchased a needle minder from Kristeen, who has both a Facebook group (Needle Minder Obsession) and an Etsy shop (Stitchinmad). I love it! It's purple AND sparkly! You can click the thumbnail below to get a closer look at my new favorite purple thing.

October was a fairly busy month. One of my nieces turned 18 and my father-in-law turned 60. My father-in-law also retired after 40 years with Union Pacific Railroad, which was celebrated just yesterday with a party hosted by myself & my sweet sister-in-law. Now I'm gearing up for Halloween. My son isn't big on costumes, but my daughters have settled on some fun outfits & we're looking forward to participating in our little city's festivities.
Looking ahead to November, I'll be hosting my first needlework GTG and then working on more birthday fun for my husband and older daughter. Finally, we'll be celebrating Thanksgiving. I enjoy the preparations as much as the day itself.
Until next time...
Balance forward from August: $47.49
September Budget: $25.00
Spent: $18.00
Earned: $0
Balance Remaining: $54.49
September showed every sign of being a month without stash shopping. I was far too busy prepping for the painters, then surviving the invasion of the painters and then putting the house back together after 8 long days.
Then, in the interest of thinning out my own stash, I joined the Facebook group, Stash Unload. I've made three small purchases from the group so far. Two have arrived; just waiting on the third one.
My haul for this month includes Mill Hill Buttons & Beads Paisley Pumpkin (partial kit), Erica Michaels We The People, Dragon Dreams Fairy Tale Sampler, Sweetheart Tree Lovely in Lavender Sampler & Sweetheart Tree Woodland Violet Sampler.
I'm thinking one or both of the Sweetheart Tree samplers will look beautiful in my newly-painted bedroom.
Month: August
Spent: $36.21
Earned: $0
Remaining Balance: $47.49
My husband and I had an appointment in San Antonio last weekend, just a few miles from Stitches From The Heart. He, being the driver for the day, was happy to indulge me!
The shop was humming with activity when we arrived, but there was a still a comfortable chair available for my husband while I shopped.
I ended up purchasing the Fall 2015 Cross Stitch & Needlework magazine, an AC Adapter for my Mighty Bright XtraFlex2 clip on light, a little plastic tube to hold my needles, another pair of Sew Mate scissors in Lavender (my favorite scissors, of which I own several pairs) and Sue Hillis' Post Stitches design, 10 Extra Pounds. I adore Sue's sense of humor and this chart made me giggle.
August was a whirlwind of activity! Our firstborn, our sweet baby boy, turned 18 this month. His party was an outright success and he was one very happy young man, which made all the preparations worth every second.
Prior to the party, we gave one side of our kitchen a mini dishwasher, sink, faucet & food disposer. It all looks wonderful! The week after the party, my husband and I received delivery of our new bedroom furniture. I love the set we chose and it will look even better when our room is repainted. Speaking of which, we also finally scheduled the painters, so the house will be in disarray again soon. This should be our last big project for this year...whew! I'm starting to remember why building our last home made, in some ways, for less work than buying an existing home.
In the long run, it will be worth it, as we found a lovely home in a fabulous city and we're incredibly happy here.
September looks to be busy, as well. Our social calendar is filling up, my husband is in training for a work transition he hopes to make early next year (same company, different role) and, of course, there's the painting coming up. At least I have until November before the next birthday party!
Month: July
Spent: $0
Earned: $0
Carried forward from SFS 2015-A: $33.70
How is July already over? It's been another busy month for me & my family! We have a mini kitchen makeover in the works, painters coming next month (bye bye "Bordello Red" (DH's term) bedroom...woohoo!) and I'm busy planning my son's 18th birthday party. I still don't understand how my firstborn is nearly all grown up.
I knew before we moved that there was a needlework group meeting at the local library twice a week, but I've yet to be able to attend. Maybe in August? I could make attending my reward for getting all the house-related stuff crossed off of my to do list!
Month: June
Spent: $0
Earned: $0
June turned out to be a very different month from what I'd planned. There was stash shopping, but only because my DH gifted me with some stash money for our 21st wedding anniversary. My order from Stitching Bits and Bobs should be here tomorrow. Yay!
I still have my $25 for this month, plus my $8.70 left over, cumulatively, from January through May. Looking through my chart stash, I see that I need to order some GAST Simply Wool for a project intended for my son. My remaining funds should just cover the fibers plus shipping.
There will be a separate post giving more details of the trip my DH & I took to celebrate our anniversary. We had an incredible time during our getaway! Oh, I'll try to remember to throw in pictures of the "anniversary stash", as well!
Month: May
Spent: $100.72
Earned: $0
I had FUN in May! I squeaked by on budget, with $8.70 remaining, cumulatively, for January through May. I already know I'll be spending that, plus some, in June; there are a few fibers left on my "to buy" list.
My haul from an ONS/not-even-LNS during their anniversary sale included a skein of Thread Gatherer Silk 'n Colors, 14 spools of Kreinik, 2 pieces of linen, 2 pieces of mono canvas & 2 charts from my wish list. The fibers & fabrics are all to kit up charts already in my stash.
Knowing me, it will be a good long while before I spend like this again, but it sure was fun!
Month: April
Spent: $0
Earned: $0
I waited until the last day to post my update, as I was trying diligently to SPEND money this month. My goal was to visit my not-so-LNS, but neither opportunity panned out. Ah well, there's always next month!
I did stitch this month (no finishes, though) AND stitched with friends. That's the best kind of stitching! We're getting together again, along with what looks to be the rest of the "gang", in just a couple weeks time. Two from our group are each making a big overseas move very soon. We're all getting together one more time, for a day of shopping, stitching, snacking & visiting.
Mother's Day is fast approaching here in the USA and I've been dropping not-so-subtle hints to my husband and kids. I'm making it very easy for them; I've asked for GCs to several specific needlework shops. Stash and a day off from cooking & cleaning. That's not too much to ask for, right?
If, worst case, my hints fall on deaf ears, there's always our wedding anniversary in June. Stash is a very romantic gift!
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