Sunday, October 25, 2015

Stitch From Stash 2015 - October Update

Balance forward from September: $54.49
September Budget: $25.00
Spent: $11.77
Earned: $0
Balance Remaining: $67.72

I was very good this month. I SOLD a handful of charts through a Facebook group called Stash Unload and only purchased 2 items. Proceeds from my sold items are being put into savings for a floor stand, most likely the Needlework System 4 Travel-Mate & Q-Snap Adapter.

The chart I purchased is Blue Ribbon Designs - An Expression of Gratitude. I've loved this chart for a long time and am thrilled to finally own it. Autumn and Thanksgiving are my favorite season and holiday, respectively.

In addition to this one chart, I also purchased a needle minder from Kristeen, who has both a Facebook group (Needle Minder Obsession) and an Etsy shop (Stitchinmad). I love it! It's purple AND sparkly! You can click the thumbnail below to get a closer look at my new favorite purple thing.

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October was a fairly busy month. One of my nieces turned 18 and my father-in-law turned 60. My father-in-law also retired after 40 years with Union Pacific Railroad, which was celebrated just yesterday with a party hosted by myself & my sweet sister-in-law. Now I'm gearing up for Halloween. My son isn't big on costumes, but my daughters have settled on some fun outfits & we're looking forward to participating in our little city's festivities.

Looking ahead to November, I'll be hosting my first needlework GTG and then working on more birthday fun for my husband and older daughter. Finally, we'll be celebrating Thanksgiving. I enjoy the preparations as much as the day itself.

Until next time...

All About Katrina

    Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
    I'm 46-years-old, happily married for 28 years to my high school sweetheart and a proud mom of three awesome young adults.
    In addition to being obsessed with cross stitch, I also enjoy reading, logic puzzles, baking and gaming.
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