Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Stitch From Stash 2015 - May Update

Month: May
Spent: $100.72
Earned: $0

I had FUN in May! I squeaked by on budget, with $8.70 remaining, cumulatively, for January through May. I already know I'll be spending that, plus some, in June; there are a few fibers left on my "to buy" list.

My haul from an ONS/not-even-LNS during their anniversary sale included a skein of Thread Gatherer Silk 'n Colors, 14 spools of Kreinik, 2 pieces of linen, 2 pieces of mono canvas & 2 charts from my wish list. The fibers & fabrics are all to kit up charts already in my stash.

Knowing me, it will be a good long while before I spend like this again, but it sure was fun!

All About Katrina

    Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
    I'm 46-years-old, happily married for 28 years to my high school sweetheart and a proud mom of three awesome young adults.
    In addition to being obsessed with cross stitch, I also enjoy reading, logic puzzles, baking and gaming.
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